My title is: Terms given in GS IV Syllabus-Part-1

Terms given in GS IV Syllabus-Part-1

2020-01-06 | 4 minutes

1. Integrity

It means that one’s deed and behavior match his values and commitments. In other words, integrity is remaining true to once values and commitments, even in the adverse situation.

For example:

One supports women's empowerment in public life as a public officer, but in his private life, he does the opposite. This shows a lack of integrity.

2. Impartiality

It means non-biased. In other words, it means not favoring someone without any rational reason or objectivity. Impartiality ensures objectivity.

For example:

The relative of a doctor visits him to get treatment. Patients are already sitting waiting for their turn. The relative asks the doctor to treat him first. The doctor asks him to wait for his turn. This approach of the doctor shows his impartial approach.

3. Non- Partisanship

It means having political neutrality and remaining committed to the government in power. It is one of the foundational values of a public servant.

For example:

A public servant is working effectively in one government party’s reign and not in other shows the lack of political neutrality in that officer.

4. Objectivity

It means working by facts. In other words, an officer should work by rules and procedures.

For example:

An income tax officer if got the tip for the transaction of black money at a powerful politician’s office, then he should go and raid the office. This shows the objectivity of the officer. Objectivity promotes honesty and impartiality.

5. Dedication towards public service

It means remaining dedicated to the service towards the public and public service values. It is an all-encompassing value that promotes all other values like integrity, honesty, transparency, objectivity, etc.

For example:

IAS officer Ashoka Khemka faced so many transfers during his service tenure; still, he has not resigned and is dedicated towards the public service.

6. Empathy

It means understanding other’s problems, feelings, emotions, etc. This brings flexibility and responsiveness in governance. According to Daniel Golman, there are three varieties of empathy-

  1. Cognitive Empathy- One can understand how the other person thinks.
  2. Emotional Empathy- Feeling within oneself the emotions of the person with whom we are present.
  3. Empathetic Concern- Understanding how the other person sees and feels the things and trying to help them if there is a need.

For example:

Allowing flexible working hours to a pregnant employee shows the empathy of the employer.

7. Compassion

It means feeling the other’s problem by placing oneself in the place of others. It motivates people to go out of their way to assuage the pain of others.

For example:

If a lawyer is providing free legal services to a vulnerable person victimized of grave injustice, it shows his compassion.

8. Tolerance

It means having an inclusive attitude towards different views, ideas, lifestyles, culture and taking a rational and objective decision.

For example:

Harshvardhana promoted open debates on religious theories and philosophies through his religious assemblies, which shows his tolerant attitude.

9. Probity

It means being completely honest and following integrity.

For example:

A civil servant accepting a bribe to do work is against his foundational value of probity because it is against his value of honesty and objectivity.

10. Emotional intelligence

It means being aware of one’s emotions, other’s emotions and analyzing the environment around them and dealing accordingly. According to Golman, there are four components of Emotional intelligence i.e. Self-Awareness, Self- management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management.

For example:

While dealing with the victims of the disaster who are affected by the late supply of relief material and are angry, using force to calm them down shows the lack of emotional intelligence.

11. Accountability

It is the obligation of an individual or an organization to take responsibility for their actions and ensure transparency. It is an essential component of governance.

For example:

A Civil Servant is accountable to the Minister as well as to the public as he implements the policies, schemes, and other projects of the government.