Why Editorial?

Every Civil Service aspirant whether beginner or experienced needs to go through the newspaper daily to keep oneself updated and prepared for the Current Affairs section. Similarly, the editorial part is also important to gain clarity and to understand the in-depth analysis of various issues related to International Relations, Indian Economy, Indian Political System, Culture, Science and Technology, Indian Society, Environment and Climate change, Government policies, etc. The editorial gives an insight to the aspirant to analyze an issue from the viewpoint of various stakeholders.

This analysis helps in the revision of Prelims concepts and brushing up Mains Answer writing skills not only for GS papers but also for Essay paper, Optional Subjects and solving Case studies. So, one would have understood the importance of reading the editorial section in the newspaper. Also, one should not consider the personal views of various writers as final interpretation but should develop an analysis of his own by going through the different articles in the editorial.

Why PendulumIAS Editorial Analysis?

Our experts at PendulumIAS provide a brief summary of the editorial section of THE INDIAN EXPRESS, THE HINDU, LIVEMINT, etc. in which the analysis of related articles is compiled together along with other relevant content. This editorial analysis will help aspirants in complete understanding of the issue, and they will be able to save time by not going through other sources for the same topic. There is also a mains question at the end of the editorial summary related to the topic so that an aspirant could develop an analysis based on his understanding.

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